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− 克雷雅 Kleia ...

克雷雅 魔獸世界灰燼王庭全NPC好感度獎勵彙總 wow灰燼王庭全NPC好感度獎勵大全

Dear $p, I have wrestled the quill and parchment away from Pelagos so that I may be the one to write to you for once. I am currently writing this note while flying in the air above him. He is making quite the scene down there trying to convince me to come down. It is not my proudest moment, but it seemed the only way to ensure that I got to write to you for once. And now that I have... I can't quite think of what to write... I hope you're doing well. Come see us soon. Sincerely, Kleia P.S. If Pelagos asks what I wrote in this letter, tell him it was beautiful and inspiring!

尊敬的$p, 我從裴拉戈斯手中奪下了紙筆,這樣我就能給你寫一次信了。 在寫這封信的時候,我正飛行在半空,他在下面想方設法地勸我落地。 這不是我最自豪的時刻,但似乎是唯一能給你寫信的方法。 現在我有了這個機會……卻不知道該寫些什麼…… 希望你一切都好,願早日再會。

誠摯的, 克雷雅
