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Big Boss’ organization in V is absolutely a band of criminals in the eyes of the world order. They can be viewed as a kind of war mafia, interfering in world conflicts to make money. But it’s hard to see things that way when you’re actually playing the game. Viewed from the outside, everything they do is unacceptably wrong, but playing as them makes you see them as good people. That’s why I really like Huey’s (Emmerich’s) character in V. He always says the perfect thing to make you hate him at just the right time (laughs). He seems like the worst bad guy in the game, but viewed objectively that’s not the case. As a civilian, he’s actually closer to the player than any of the other characters. The things he says actually always make sense, but that just makes you hate him more.

People who’ve played through the game will probably remember the scene in which Huey is exiled from Mother Base, arguably one of the most memorable scenes in the game.

Nojima also cites an email sent to him by Kojima in which he explains some of his intentions with the story of MGSV and the way it ends.

Early video games never had much of a story. Metal Gear was among the first to add story to its gameplay. The player controls Snake, and together we’ve told this story over the years. As the series went on, the player jumped between multiple characters like Solid Snake and Naked Snake, and the story evolved into the legend that is the Metal Gear saga. In this final Metal Gear, it was only right to return the role of Snake, the main character, to the player. It’s saying that from now on, you make the story. It’s saying this is what it means to come full circle and complete a story. If this were a one-way medium like a movie, V’s ending wouldn’t have been possible, but this was a game. This made it possible. Taking a story we’ve told together over the years, and placing it in the hands of the player. That was the real intention behind V.

If the player wasn’t a doppelganger to Big Boss in V, that would have meant Big Boss himself dying later on. And long before V, back in the original Metal Gear, the player (acting as Solid Snake) had in fact killed Big Boss. That made it important for this final instalment that the player once again enters into the story and brings things full circle in their own way. I think it’s only at that point that the story truly belongs to the player. This is “creating the story together with the player,” something that can’t be done in traditional media like movies and books. This can only be done in a video game. That’s what makes V the culmination of everything we’ve always done since the original Metal Gear.



Big Boss的軍事組織在遊戲的世界裏是一個絕對的犯罪組織,他們被認定爲戰爭的黑手黨,參與世界的紛爭並賺取金錢。但是,一旦你玩過這個系列遊戲,你很難認同這種說法。從局外者的視角看,他們所做的一切是錯誤的,也無法接受,但隨着遊戲的開展你會發現他們是好人。這就是爲什麼我真的喜歡Huey博士這個遊戲裏的角色。他總是說笑道只有在恰當的時間裏你才能對他深惡痛絕。他在遊戲裏就像是最壞的人了,但事情卻並非是那樣。作爲一個人物,他確實比其他人物更貼近玩家,他所說的話確實有道理,但也就是因爲這一點,玩家們反而更反感他。那些已經通關了的玩家來說,可能印象最爲深刻的是Huey從母基地裏驅逐出去的情景,那段爭執的話語是最難忘的。

Huey是那個眼鏡男博士,是2代Otacon(Hal Emmerich)的父親。



這款遊戲中,如果玩家操控的這個角色不是big boss的假扮替身的話,那可能big boss本人會在以後的故事中死亡。以至於,在該系列遊戲首作品中的固蛇確實已經殺死了big boss。這麼設計就讓玩家在這個系列最終一部作品中,以玩家遊玩遊戲的方式挖掘劇情,把之前的故事串聯起來。小島認爲也就能以這種方式,讓玩家體會到遊戲的故事劇情的發展在於玩家自己。這種“玩家怎麼玩就會創造怎麼樣的故事”的方式是傳統媒體,像電影和書之類無法比擬的。這也只能通過遊戲的方式。這也意味着這部作品會自合金裝備系列遊戲以來的一個收尾作品。